November 8, 2010

Non-English English song

An Italian singer wrote a song of English gibberish, to show what English sounds like to people who don't know the language.  Its pretty funky I like it.

November 7, 2010


It's getting close to that time here at Alpha Tau Omega when we have to start recruiting freshmen for rush.  But whenever I talk to a freshman, all they seem to want to do is tell me how much beer they can drink and how many chicks they have banged.  So I decided what we should do is make a spreadsheet of all our freshman prospects, and next to their names have a column of how many beers they say they drink in a night, and the next column for how many chicks they say they have banged.  We could also put another column for how many times they can fit the word "fuck" into a sentence:

Freshmen Prospects
Name# Beers# Chicks# "fuck" in sentence.
Carl200 1/240009

Then we'll make a graph and choose our pledges based on the outcome.

And there you go!  No more debating over who should be in and who should be out, it's all right there.